Elsewhere I have remarked that I began to use Maple for the first time in my teaching in January 1995, and it was at that time that my traditional three hour end-of-year written paper began to have an element of some Maple oriented questions. Of course I also began to have actual Maple exams as well (in the first and second years accounting for some 10-15% of the course grade, and in the third year for 25%). I engaged in some considerable experimentation, in course content and methods of examination. Not being LaTeX literate, I prepare my exam papers with Microsoft Word, and a typical 3-hour paper would come to about 200-300KBs, and a Rich Text Format (rtf) conversion would come to about 700-800KB. I have zipped both the Word and Word-rtf versions. Papers from my first, second and third year courses are available in the following corners of my web site: Those papers examine my joint BA/BEd courses. In the academic year 2002-2003 I began two completely new BA courses (one second, and one third year), and I will place papers for those courses here when they have been examined. |
Contact details. jbcosgrave at gmail.com