I no longer teach
first years (since 2002), and so this section is rather ancient, though I will
continue to add to it from time to time...
I made my test a little more demanding than the above, and you may download it here. I have deleted most of the space between successive questions; in the printed form I allowed more space for the students to do their work in. I also prepared a lengthy document to comment on their solutions, and to expand a little on the work related to the test questions. You may download that document here. In my initial contact with first year students, one of the first things I try to get them thinking about is numbers, and generally commence with a simple question like: what is the value of the square root of 2? I believe that a great deal of serious mathematical work can flow from that simple sounding question (of course one should not discuss a question like that out of context; one must give students some inkling that that question has deep historical roots, going back to Pythagoras). [I like to tell my students an anecdote from my student days in London: once, while attending a postgraduate course on Anayltic Sets - given by C.A. Rogers at University College - a group of us was sitting with Rogers, having a chat, and someone asked him which mathematical question - given a choice - he would most like to have resolved. After only a few seconds he replied: to know the decimal expansion of the square-root of 2 ... ] Here are some related notes which I have prepared, which I only give out some time after class discussions. A document concerning decimal
values, and ... . A document on rational and
irrational numbers. A related document dealing
with what I call L- and R-approximations. Another related document on irreducible
I will add more here as time allows. Also see the Maple section of my site. |
Contact details After August 31st 2007 please use the following Gmail address: jbcosgrave at gmail.com |