The May 2000 review (below) of my A Prime For The Millennium' booklet is from the web site of the Mathematical Association of America; the original review may be viewed here. Other MAA reviews may viewed at the MAA's 'Read This!' corner.
Read This!The MAA Online book review columnBriefly NotedMay 2000
Excited by his discovery, Cosgrave wrote a long email message to his niece and nephew explaining some of the ideas that led to the discovery of the millennium prime. This email message now forms the major portion of the booklet A Prime for the Millennium, published by Folding Landscapes Press in Ireland. The booklet is charming, the story well told, and profits from the sales go to the Irish Cancer Society. Not a bad deal at all; check it out. (Fernando Q. Gouvêa) Publication DataA Prime for the Millennium, by John B. Cosgrave. Folding Landscapes, Ireland, 2000. Paperback, 48pp, $27 (including airmail postage) or $24 (including surface mail postage). ISBN 09-530509-0-4. See also John B. Cosgrave's page
about his booklet. |