> # UCC_2000.mws

A Prime For The Millennium -
primality testing with particular emphasis
on Henry Cabourn Pocklington (1875 - 1952)

A talk given to the student mathematical society of
University College Cork on Thursday 23rd. March 2000

John Cosgrave, St. Patrick's College,
Drumcondra, Dublin 9, IRELAND.

[email protected]

For T im and M airead Robinson of F olding L andscapes
whose idea it was to publish A Prime For The Millennium
(an explanatory email to my niece Jo and nephew Ben)

I have adopted, as the title of my talk tonight, the title of my recently published booklet A Prime For The Millennium (my royalties for the Irish Cancer Society). This booklet began its life as an email written to my young niece and nephew, Jo and Ben Hartley. Just how that private email came to pass into the public domain as a booklet may be read about in the Millennium prime booklet section of my web site. How a painting by Tom Marine (a Leeds-based artist) of the booklet cover (designed by Simon Cutts and Tim Robinson ) came to be sold to Turlough Sheehan of Consolidated Distribution Systems for the benefit of the Irish Cancer Society and the NSPCC (UK), may also be read about at my web site.

The cover of the booklet - a gif file copied and pasted into
this Maple worksheet - is best viewed in the html version:

[Maple Bitmap]

I wish to thank Turlough Crowe of Allied Irish Banks, Elaine Bragg of Adept Scientific (http://www.adeptscience.co.uk), Charlie Hipwell of Pfizer , and Gerry McGovern of Nua (http://www.nua.ie) who generously sponsored copies of the booklet for distribution this evening.

Anyone reading this abroad (or here in Ireland) may obtain a copy (or copies!) by contacting Folding Landscapes at their web site (http://www.iol.ie/~tandmfl). There was a print run of 2000, so hurry hurry while stocks last! Of public reaction to the booklet I was especially pleased with an email forwarded to me by Tim Robinson last December 23rd:

Dear Tim Robinson,
>As a mother of two small kids you would think (quite rightly)
>that I would be mad busy on the eve of Christmas Eve; well
>since we found the time from nowhere to greet the dawn at
>Newgrange on Tuesday I thought I would steal some time
>to read your beautiful publication 'A Prime For The Millennium'
>which I bought for my brother-in-law who is a number whiz..
>What a delight; I thought that I was numerically illiterate
>but I saw the poetry in John Cosgrave's work. If I was a
>number I would definitely want to be a Prime. Please convey
>my thanks to him for his enthusiasm; I now have something
>numerical to feed my babies with when they are older.

The MapleV5 file of this talk may be accessed in the Public and other lectures section of my web site. The
html text version of that file - for anyone who doesn't have Maple - may also be accessed (note that because Maple saves outputs and in-line mathematical expressions as gif files, then there are hundreds of gif files in the html version).


The futility of Eratosthenes' method.
A technical preliminary ( modular exponentiation ).
Fermat's (1601 - 1667) 'little' theorem. Identifying composites. Pseudoprimes. A moral.
The modern study of primality proving starts with Edouard Lucas (1842 - 1891).
D. H. Lehmer and John Selfridge.
H. C. Pocklington (1870 - 1952) again.

Appendix 1. The factors of [Maple Math] .
Appendix 2. John Selfridge's improvement of D.H. Lehmer's 1927 result.
Appendix 3. Francois Proth. (1852 - 1879).
Appendix 4. Other examples of Euclid-Pocklington primes.
Recommended reading.

In my talk I may not get to cover all that I would like, I may have to cut some corners, but you can always look up the full text version at my web site. My ambition is to give you a flavour of what is at stake; it is not possible to cover anything other than a small fraction... .

Introduction to Pocklington. On January 7th. 1999 - in the course of preparing some work to illustrate the power of some ideas due to Henry Cabourn Pocklington (from a 1914-16 paper of his) for my 3rd. year students in connection with my Number Theory and Cryptography course - I happened to find a prime number with exactly 2000 digits (I dubbed it a millennium prime). The size of that prime is not especially significant (though it would have been the largest known prime in early 1963); there are, in fact, rather a lot of primes with 2000 digits: the exact number of such primes happens to be unknown, but it is of the order of 1.9542* [Maple Math] (expressed another way, the probability of a randomly chosen 2000-digit number being prime is about 1 in 455) .

Two things are of interest about this prime:

1. the way in which it is constructed. It is the number: [Maple Math] *...* [Maple Math] + 1, namely, the product of the first 325 primes (2, 3, 5, 7, ... , 2153) and the 325th power of the 326th prime (2161), plus 1 .

2. that its primality
can be established so readily (there is currently no fast general way to establish primality for primes of large size, and the quest for - or proof of the non-existence of - a ' polynomial time algorithm ' to establish primality is the great unsolved problem of primality testing) by Pocklington's method. (Indeed for prime numbers of a certain structure , Pocklington's method is vastly superior to other later methods.)

Here it is :

> millennium_prime :=
product(ithprime(k), k=1..325)*ithprime(326)^325 + 1;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> length(millennium_prime);

[Maple Math]

So, let U be the product of the first 325 prime, F be the 325th power of the 326th prime, and [Maple Math] , then n is a 2000-digit prime.

> U := product(ithprime(k), k=1..325):

> F := ithprime(326)^325:

> n := U*F + 1:

> length(n);

[Maple Math]

> isprime(17);

[Maple Math]

> isprime(21);

[Maple Math]


I am not executing the command 'isprime(n)' - to attempt to establish the primality of the above 2000-digit n - for two reasons:

1. it would take Maple far too long (hours, possibly, depending on the speed of the computer being used) (and in this respect, and in many others, the
free program PrimeForm - created by Chris Nash, and based on the library of Yves Gallot's remarkable Proth program - is vastly superior ,

2. using Maple, the output could not be relied upon (because Maple - in common with
all other commercial mathematical software - uses a probabilistic method for testing primality, and is only reliable for numbers with up to about 400 digits)

How can the above number be
proved to be prime using Pocklington's theorem(s)? What, in fact, is (are) Pocklington's theorem(s)? Here, to start with, is a version of Pocklington's theorem in its simplest form (a full working through of Pocklington's analysis may be found in the 3rd year part of the Maple section of my web site):

[Maple Math] (' U ' for ' unfactored ', meaning that one doesn't need to know its actual factorisation - this is a very significant point: many earlier and later methods required knowing the complete factorisation of [Maple Math] as a preliminary step to possibly establishing the primality of n ), where

[Maple Math] is a prime power
U is a natural number with p not dividing U , and
[Maple Math]

then n is prime if

Condition 1 (the Fermat-Lucas condition)

there is
some integer a such that [Maple Math] (mod n ) ( meaning - for those of you not familiar with congruences - that [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 when divided by n , and

Condition 2 (what I would like to call Pocklington's condition)

[Maple Math] (where [Maple Math] is the greatest common divisor of A and B. )

Some comments . For a novice these conditions might appear strange, but - as with all things - with some background they are entirely natural. Of course, the second condition could appear useless since - again, for a novice - one might think that the finding of the gcd should entail more work than is neccessary to establish primality; but one must realise that in practice the gcd is computed not by finding all divisors of [Maple Math] and n (which in any case would mean that one would have established whether or not n had any factors other than 1 and n ), but rather by using the remarkable (and entirely elementary) Euclidean algorithm

An illustrative example . I will demonstrate how Pocklington's theorem establishes that 5347 is prime.
Note . I will include some unneccessary calculations just to let you see the size of the numbers involved.

A Pocklington demonstration that 5347 is prime : 5347 = 22* [Maple Math] , so [Maple Math] is [Maple Math] , and U is 22.

> n := 22*3^5 + 1;

[Maple Math]


We will start by trying [Maple Math] , and test Condition 1:

> 2^(n-1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> 2^(n-1) mod n; # computes the remainder on division by n

[Maple Math]


Now to test Condition 2:

> 2^((n-1)/3) - 1;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> igcd(2^((n-1)/3) - 1, n);

[Maple Math]


is no use , since it is ' n ' itself . Now we try using [Maple Math] :

> 3^(n-1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> 3^(n-1) mod n; # computes the remainder on division by n

[Maple Math]

Now to test Condition 2:

> 3^((n-1)/3) - 1;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> igcd(3^((n-1)/3) - 1, n);

[Maple Math]


which establishes the primality of 5347 by Pocklington's theorem.

Return to Top

I will return to Pocklington later, but first a big step backwards in time, to the classic elementary test of Eratosthenes.

The futility of Eratosthenes' method. The classic (and entirely elementary) Eratosthenes test for primality, namely: to test if a given natural number n is prime or not, one need only test for possible prime factors up to and including the square root of n . This test is easily used for small numbers, or for large numbers that happen to have a relatively small prime factor . Otherwise it is entirely useless from a computational point of view.


[Maple Math] lies between 11 and 12, and to test 127 for primality one need only test for possible prime factors up to and including 11. Then, since 127 is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7 or 11, it follows that 127 is prime .

[Maple Math] lies between 40809 and 40810, and to test 1665436393 for primality one need only test for possible prime factors up to and including 40801 (being the largest prime at most 40809). 1665436393 is not divisible by 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, but it is divisible by 19, and so 1665436393 is not prime .

[Maple Math] lies between [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] , and to prove that the millennium prime is prime - using the method of Eratosthenes - would not be a feasible computation: using the famous 'Prime Number Theorem' (that the number of primes up to x is ' asymptotic ' to [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] is the logarithm of x to the base e ) the number of primes up to [Maple Math] is approximately approximately 4.347* [Maple Math] , and so even with a computer that could perform 4.347* [Maple Math] trial divisions per second (such a computer doesn't exist), it would take more than [Maple Math] seconds to establish the primality of the millennium prime using the method of Eratosthenes. That is rather a long time (!!), given that the age of the universe - using the estimate of 15 thousand million years - is of the order of between [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] seconds.

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A technical preliminary ( modular exponentiation using the powerful - but entirely elementary - square-and-multiply method) . In what follows, a very important computation we will need to perform is modular exponentiation involving large numbers , namely: computing the remainder that [Maple Math] leaves on division by n , with b and/or n large . You have already seen, in my introduction to Pocklington, the computation of - for example - the remainder [Maple Math] leaves on division by 5347, but we will need to perform much more demanding computations.

By way of example I begin with:

> 2^57171 mod 797979; # computes the remainder 2 to the power of 57171 leaves on division by 797979

[Maple Math]


I would like to point out how remarkable - relatively speaking - a computation that was!!

To perform it, Maple
actually evaluated [Maple Math] , and then divided by 797979 to produce the remainder 70715.

And here is the
actual value of [Maple Math] (a 17211 digit number):

> 2^57171;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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However I will soon wish to carry out modular exponentiation computations involving much larger numbers , computations like these:
[Maple Math] mod n , ( [Maple Math] , ... ) and quite large values of n .
For example:

> a := 2;

[Maple Math]

> n := 98765432123456789876543211111111111111111111111111;

[Maple Math]

> a^(n-1) mod n;

Error, integer too large in context


However there is a very elementary, but incredibly powerful method (known as the square-and-multiply method) which enables such calculations to be done extremely quickly, and here is the Maple command for the above computation to be done:

> a&^(n-1) mod n;

[Maple Math]


You will see shortly why such computations are so vital (and, incidentally, see - instantly, and remarkably - that as a result of the just performed computation we may conclude that [Maple Math] is not prime).

[Remark. Maple's apparent speed of modular exponentiation is completely outclassed by much more powerful (and free!) programs as
Yves Gallot's Proth.exe , or Chris Nash's related PrimeForm .]

Return to Top

Fermat's ' little ' theorem. Pseudoprimes .

The remarkable Fermat's 'little' theorem (so powerful in Number Theory, and in Cryptography): Let p be any prime, and let a be any integer not divisible by p ; then [Maple Math] (mod p ) (in other words, [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 on division by p ).

Comment . This is one of the most important theorems in all of Number Theory. It has countless computational, theoretical, and real-world (cryptography) applications.

Some examples and observations.

> p1 := 71; # a small prime

[Maple Math]

> 103^(p1 - 1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> 103&^(p1 - 1) mod p1;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(p1 - 1) mod p1;

[Maple Math]

> 10&^(p1 - 1) mod p1;

[Maple Math]

> 142&^(p1 - 1) mod p1;

[Maple Math]


(I hope you see why that '0' appeared.) Now I would like you to see how Fermat's 'little' theorem may be used to quickly establish that a number is composite (i.e., is not prime). I will deliberately make up a number which is not prime, by multiplying two large primes together (the resulting number could not be quickly shown to be not prime by using the method of Eratosthenes):

> p2 := nextprime(9876543009887765498720);

[Maple Math]

> q2 := nextprime(10000*p2 + 999999999999999);

[Maple Math]

> n2 := p2*q2;

[Maple Math]


and then the instantaneous computation:

> 2&^(n2 - 1) mod n2;

[Maple Math]

shows that n2 is not prime. You see why?

In fact a
non unity output will almost certainly result from (almost!) any large random choice (the probability of a large random number being prime is quite small; that's an interpretation of the Prime Number Theorem). In the saved text I can only have one 'choice' shown, but during my live lecture I will re-execute the the 'rand' commands to see a few different 'choice' values (this cannot be reproduced by someone having only the html version):

> ?random

> rand();

[Maple Math]

> rand();

[Maple Math]

In the following - where there are five different random numbers being used - the coefficients c1 and c2 are simply to ensure (and you see how?) that 'choice' is not divisible by any prime from 2 to 97 (the 25th prime):

> c1 := product(ithprime(k), k=1..25);

[Maple Math]

> c2 := c1^2;

[Maple Math]

> choice := c1*rand()*rand()*rand() + c2*rand()*rand() + 1;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(choice - 1) mod choice;

[Maple Math]


and so - as you will see, almost certainly - 'choice' is not prime (I hope I don't have bad luck on the night!).
[Of course, if we successively re-executed the previous two commands
often enough we would eventually - almost certainly - get a second output of '1.' And so? Well, you have to see what's coming up next...]

Now I give another ( not random !) computational example [see Appendix for further details]:

> c := 1195068768795265792518361315725116351898245581;

[Maple Math]

Let us observe how it fairs with respect to Fermat's little theorem:

> 2&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

> 3&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

> 5&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

> 7&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

> 11&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

> 13&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]

Those 1's continue being produced until one reaches:

> 37&^(c - 1) mod c;

[Maple Math]


at which point ' c ' is revealed as being not prime . [ See Appendix 1.]

A moral . The following, too hasty converse of Fermat's little theorem is not true (it is, of course, obviously not true in the trivial case where [Maple Math] (mod n )): Let n be a natural number, and suppose [Maple Math] (mod n ) for some a , then n is prime. [The following is trivially - but uselessly (from a computational point of view it would be far, far worse than Eratosthenes' approach) - true: Let n be a natural number ( [Maple Math] ), and suppose [Maple Math] (mod n ) for all a with [Maple Math] (mod n ), then n is prime.] However one should not abandon all hope, and it to Lucas that falls the credit of first obtaining a partial converse of Fermat's little theorem.

Return to Top

The modern study of primality testing . It was Edouard Lucas (1842-1891) who first (in 1876) provided a partial converse to Fermat's 'little' theorem (a very weak converse, but one that was successively improved upon, and varied by Lucas himself (in 1878), by Theophile Pepin (1877), Proth (1878), Pocklington (1914, and apparently unaware of earlier work), D. H. Lehmer (1927, and later), John Selfridge (1967), and others).

I will be brief. In 1876 Lucas observed this partial converse: Let
n be a natural number, and suppose there is an integer a such that

[Maple Math] (mod n ), and
[Maple Math] (mod n ) for all r with [Maple Math] < [Maple Math]

then n is prime. An illustrative example:

> example1 := 29:

> a1 := 2:

> a1^(example1 - 1) mod example1;

[Maple Math]

> seq(a1^r mod example1, r = 1..(example1 - 2));

[Maple Math]


Those computations show that:

[Maple Math] (mod 29), and
none of [Maple Math] , ... , [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 on division by 29

and thus 29 is a prime. However it is obvious that the amount of computation is worse that would be required with Eratosthenes!! Lucas observed (in 1878) the following improvement: Let n be a natural number, and suppose there is an integer a such that

[Maple Math] (mod n ), and
[Maple Math] (mod n ) for all divisors r of ( [Maple Math] ) with [Maple Math] < [Maple Math]

then n is prime. An illustrative example:

> example2 := 83:

> a2 := 2:

> with(numtheory): # needed for 'divisors'

> S := divisors(example2 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> Test := S minus {example2 - 1};

[Maple Math]

> a2^(example2 - 1) mod example2;

[Maple Math]

> seq(a2^r mod example2, r = Test);

[Maple Math]


Those computations show that:

[Maple Math] (mod 83), and
none of [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 on division by 83

and thus 83 is prime. It is obvious, of course, that the improvement is significant only when
[Maple Math] has a small number of divisors. It would be futile to use it to establish the primality of - for example - the 8-digit prime (11! + 1):

> 11! + 1;

[Maple Math]

since 11! has 540 divisors:

> divisors(11!);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]


A really great improvement later came with D.H. Lehmer (though Kraitchik seems to know the result, but with no stated proof...). It is a mystery to me that Lucas missed it.

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D. H. Lehmer (and later John Selfridge, and others ) D. H. Lehmer's theorem of 1927 . Let [Maple Math] ... [Maple Math] , where the [Maple Math] , ... are distinct primes, and suppose there is an integer a such that

[Maple Math] mod n , and
2. for
all i, [Maple Math] does not leave remainder 1 on division by n

n is prime. In short , D.H. Lehmer's theorem means that one need only be concerned with those divisors of [Maple Math] that are of the form [Maple Math] , as [Maple Math] varies over the prime factors of [Maple Math] . This is a really significant, and computationally serious advance .

An illustrative example (which shows the strengths and weaknesses of Lehmer's theorem) . I'll use Lehmer's theorem to establish the primality of [Maple Math] , where the prime divisors of [Maple Math] are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11:

> N := 11! + 1;

[Maple Math]

> 47&^(N-1) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 47&^((N-1)/2) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 47&^((N-1)/3) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 47&^((N-1)/5) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 47&^((N-1)/7) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 473&^((N-1)/11) mod N;

[Maple Math]


While that looks impressive, I have bypassed a lot of fruitless earlier computations (smaller a 's than '47'). Other, better examples may be seen in the 3rd year section of the Maple section of my web site. Also, I have moved to an appendix John Selfridge's 1967 valuable improvement of D.H. Lehmer's 1927 theorem.

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H.C. Pocklington again (and the millennium prime is found). Because of their occurence in Euclid's classic proof of the infinitude of primes, the infinite sequence of numbers:

2+1, 2*3+1, 2*3*5+1, 2*3*5*7+1, 2*3*5*7*11+ 1, etc,

are called
Euclidean numbers . Several of them are prime, and it is a daunting unsolved question as to how many of them are prime (I believe that is a problem that will never be answered). In January 1999, starting on the 5th, and ending (temporarily) on the 7th, I began searching for what I would like to call primes of Euclid-Pocklington type, meaning primes in the infinite equence:

2*(3)+1 = 7, 2*3*5^2+1 = 151, 2*3*5*7^3+1 = 10291, etc.

As you can see, all I was doing - in terms of the simplest version of Pocklington's theorem - was choosing:

1. '
[Maple Math] ' to be the n th power of the ( [Maple Math] )th prime, and then choose
2. '
U ' to be the product of the first n prime numbers, thus
3. automatically having the condition
[Maple Math] being satisfied.

> f := n -> product(ithprime(k), k=1..n)*ithprime(n+1)^n + 1;

[Maple Math]

> f(1);

[Maple Math]

> f(2);

[Maple Math]

> f(3);

[Maple Math]

> f(100);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]


It is explained in simple language in my booklet what I did, but here I just remark that what I needed to do, to identify primes in the above sequence, was to first identify some candidates for primality (meaning ones that at least passed the first hurdle of the Fermat-Lucas test to the base 2):

> candidates := proc(m, n) local k;
for k from m to n do
if 2&^(f(k)-1) mod f(k) = 1
then print(k, f(k))
fi od end:

> candidates(1, 30);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]


And thus, out of the first 30 of the above numbers, the 1st, 2nd, 10th, and 10th are possible primes.

In fact, those four are all prime (the first two - 7 and 151 - can be done by hand!), but, how do we
know that; how can we prove that? Using Pocklington, that is. Let's have a look at the 3rd of them, the 25 digit

> f(10);

[Maple Math]

and just to let you see :

> ifactor(f(10) - 1);

[Maple Math]


We already have that [Maple Math] (mod [Maple Math] ), and so, using Pocklington, the primality of [Maple Math] would be established if we also had that [Maple Math] . Now, the computation of the gcd of two numbers - even really large ones - is a fast computation (this is part of the greatness of the Euclidean algorithm ):

> igcd(10^200 + 84, 10^150 + 14);

[Maple Math]

> igcd(100! + 8765432, 10^150 + 13);

[Maple Math]


So, let's calculate:

> igcd(2^((f(10) - 1)/ithprime(11)) - 1, f(10));

Error, integer too large in context


Which integer is "too large"? It's the [Maple Math] . That number (easy exercise) has more than ten thousand, million, million, million digits!! And Maple can only handle integers up to about 500,000 digits. (And that's just for f(10); the millennium prime is f(325)). So, what can one do? To our rescue comes the Euclidean algorithm, the key step of which is the utterly elementary - but oh! so incredibly powerful result! - that if A and B are any two whole numbers, then [Maple Math] , where R is the integer obtained from A by dividing it by B , as in: [Maple Math] , where Q is the 'quotient', and R is the 'remainder'.

In particular it means that the value of
[Maple Math] may be obtained by computing the remainder that [Maple Math] leaves on division by f(10):

(and the Maple command for
that is the modular exponential one: 2&^((f(10) - 1)/ithprime(11)) - 1 mod F(10) )

thus obtaining:
[Maple Math]

> igcd(f(10), 2&^((f(10) - 1)/ithprime(11)) - 1 mod f(10));

[Maple Math]


Instantly, and proving that f(10) is prime.

> igcd(f(20), 2&^((f(20) - 1)/ithprime(21)) - 1 mod f(20));

[Maple Math]

which proves that f(20) is prime. Returning to my search of last January 1999 I continued looking for candidates, and checking bit by bit up to f(180) these were the outputs (to re-execute them you must first delete the comment sign ' # ' before 'candidates'):

> # candidates(31, 60); # no output

> # candidates(61, 120); # no output

> # candidates(121, 180); # here just one output, '173'

[Maple Math]

> length(f(173));

[Maple Math]


and applying Pocklington to f(173) it turned out to be prime, and I might have stopped at that point but decided to plough on as my ambition then was to find - if there was one! (it was quite possible that there might not have been another one) - a Euclid-Pocklington prime with at least 1000 digits (any prime with at least 1000 digits is known as a titanic prime, and its finder is entitled to be called a Titan ; it's just a bit of fun.)

Well, you have probably guessed the outcome: the first candidate after f(180) turned out to be f(325) (the '325' was the output from 'candidates(301, 330)'). Then the Pocklington condition was satisfied, proving that f(325) was prime, and then, checking to see how many digits it had, it happened to be exactly 2000.

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Appendix 1

Here is the structure of the number 'c' from within the Fermat section:

> n := 1195068768795265792518361315725116351898245581;

[Maple Math]

> p := 24444516448431392447461;

[Maple Math]

> q := 48889032896862784894921;

[Maple Math]

> is(n = c);

[Maple Math]


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Appendix 2

John Selfridge's theorem of 1967. Let
[Maple Math] ... [Maple Math] , where the [Maple Math] , ... are distinct primes, and suppose for each i there is an integer [Maple Math] (which may or may not vary as i varies, though in practice it does - it is this freedom that makes it superior to Lehmer's theorem) such that:

[Maple Math] (mod n ) (i.e. [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 on division by n ;
in other words, suppose "
n passes the Fermat-Lucas test to the base a "]

[Maple Math] (mod n ) (i.e., [Maple Math] does not leave remainder 1 on division by n ) ,

n is prime. And here, for example, is the primality of 11! + 1 established using Selfridge:

> N := 11! + 1;

[Maple Math]

First fix a at 2 to see:

> 2&^(N-1) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((N-1)/2) mod N; # need to try another 'a'

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((N-1)/3) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((N-1)/5) mod N; # need to try another 'a'

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((N-1)/7) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((N-1)/11) mod N;

[Maple Math]


> 3&^(N-1) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 3&^((N-1)/2) mod N; # need to try another 'a'

[Maple Math]

> 3&^((N-1)/5) mod N;

[Maple Math]


> 13&^(N-1) mod N;

[Maple Math]

> 13&^((N-1)/2) mod N;

[Maple Math]


That last, non-unity output, finally establishes the primality of [Maple Math] . Other examples of Selfridge's theorem may be viewed in the 3rd year section of the Maple section of my web site.

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Appendix 3
Francois Proth (1852 - 1879)

Francois Proth - a self taught French farmer - was the first mathematician to discover a wide ranging primality test for a natural number n that did not require knowing the complete factorisation of [Maple Math] . Since his test is something that featured prominently in my earlier talk this afternoon ("Could there exist a sixth Fermat prime? I believe it is not impossible "), then I do not intend saying very much about it here, except to record it, and point out its relation to Pocklington's theorem.

The usual statement of Proth's (Dec. 1878) theorem (I keep the notation as close as possible to the already seen simplest form of Pocklington's 1914-16 theorem). Let
[Maple Math] where U is odd and [Maple Math] . Suppose there is an integer a such that:
[Maple Math] (mod n ),
n is prime.

Comment . The principal point of interest is that one need not know the actual factorisation of U , though in practice one usually experiments with small (and thus entirely known ) odd values of U .

I have two very personal reasons for being grateful to Proth:

1. Early in 1999, while attempting to simplify the statement and proof of Proth's theorem to present to my 3rd year students, I rediscovered a little known
unification of Mersenne and Fermat numbers . That was one of the most satisfying times in my mathematical life, and formed the basis of my talk earlier this afternoon.

2. Between July 23rd and 25th 1999, and using
Yves Gallot 's remarkable Proth.exe program, I was the lucky discoverer of the then (and still) largest known composite Fermat number [Maple Math] , by finding that it had the 115130-digit prime factor 3* [Maple Math] . You may read all about that in the Fermat number record section of my web site.

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Appendix 4

Other examples of Euclid-Pocklington (or simply Pocklington) type primes.
A very beautiful (because of its structure, and its resistance to a classical primality proof) prime, one with 1031 digits, is the prime
[Maple Math] . This number was first identified as a probable prime several years ago (in an unpublished paper) by Wilfrid Keller, and was rediscovered by me on March 10th 1999 (see my earlier, afternoon talk), again as a probable prime. For my purposes it was critical that it be a prime, and following circulation of a note about it to about 35 mathematicians I received a note from Francois Morain on March 25th 1999 that a two day computation by him - using the elliptic curve method - had resulted in its primality being established. This prime has been dubbed the 'Keller-Cosgrave-Morain' prime

> KCM := (2^(59^2) - 1)/(2^59 - 1):

> length(KCM);

[Maple Math]


Some weeks ago, with this talk in mind, I thought it might be interesting to find a Pocklington-type prime of the form ( [Maple Math] ), with [Maple Math] , and [Maple Math] . Using Chris Nash's PrimeForm program I found a 2613-digit one one with [Maple Math] . This prime is especially interesting since the number U is currently unfactored.

> p := (KCM - 1)*3^3316 + 1:

> length(p);

[Maple Math]


On December 30th 1999, again using Chris Nash's PrimeForm I found the 15756-digit Pocklington type prime [Maple Math] *...* [Maple Math] .
The general form of Pocklington's theorem. Let
[Maple Math] ... [Maple Math] , where the [Maple Math] , ... are distinct primes, none of which divide U , and [Maple Math] ... [Maple Math] . Then n is prime if:

Condition 1 (the Fermat-Lucas condition)
there is some integer a such that [Maple Math] (mod n ), and

Condition 2
(the general Pocklington's condition) [Maple Math] for all i .

An example:
[Maple Math] *...* [Maple Math] is a 3318-digit prime.

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Recommended reading

The literature is vast, and I will keep it brief by saying that anyone wishing to really study this subject would greatly benefit from a reading of Hugh C. Williams' Edouard Lucas and Primality Testing [ISBN 0-471-14852-0], Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts, Volume 22, John Wiley & Sons, 1998. Williams' book is a real treasure, and ought to become a classic. I got my copy from Undercover Books (http://www.undercoverbooks.com); please tell Joel Turner (who, with his sister and mother, runs this great company) I told you so.

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Contact details 

After August 31st 2007 please use the following Gmail address: jbcosgrave at gmail.com

This page was last updated 18 February 2005 15:10:18 -0000