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> # Fer_1640.mws

A Public Lecture : The history of Fermat [1601-1665] numbers from August 1640

Question : What is this lecture about ?

Answer : It is about one of the most beautiful questions in Mathematics (going back to August 1640),

a question that is simple to explain , to state , but for which there is absolutely no sign of an

answer. It is about a question which may never be answered . Its answer - if ever there be

one - will require creativity of unimaginable proportions.

Recently - cycling over the
Luke Kelly Bridge - I came upon someone who said: "John, you have

one minute in which to tell me what this Fermat business is all about," and this was my reply: ... ...

Now you may - if you wish - go home.

Speaker : Dr. John Cosgrave.

Address: Mathematics Department, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, IRELAND.

e-mail : [email protected] (College) or [email protected] (home)

Web : <http://www.spd.dcu.ie/johnbcos>

Venue : Room E 201, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, IRELAND.

Note . This lecture has been prepared using the Computer Mathematical System Maple , which is researched and developed

by Waterloo University (Canada), INRIA (France) and the ETH (Zurich). Maple is used by all academic mathematics students

here in St. Patrick's College. The Maple files of this talk

in active mws format (which allows a user who has Maple to make his/her own alterations), or

in html format (which allows anyone who doesn't have Maple - but who has a web facility -
to at least read the text of this lecture),

and many other
Maple worksheets:

1st. year Maple /Calculus/Analysis

2nd year Number Theory [under construction]

3rd year Number Theory and Cryptography

some public or seminar/conference lectures

together with course notes, examination papers (written and Maple lab), may be accessed/downloaded at my web site.

Structure of my talk [All the mathematical ideas presented in this talk are treated in my undergraduate courses with our

students in St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra. Most of our students are taking the B.Ed. degree, with a view to becoming

primary school teachers in Ireland; we also have a number of B. A. students.]

I believe it has been remarked (by whom?) that in a once-off lecture what one ought to do it this:

1. Tell your listeners what you are going to tell them,

which in my case is: I am going to tell you about the historical background to a mathematically significant discovery (made

here - on computer #17 in Room D318 of St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra - over the weekend of Frid. 23rd. to Sunday

25th. July 1999), namely that the 382447th. Fermat number is composite .

That Fermat number - and you will know its meaning shortly - is so utterly vast that were one to write it out in decimal notation

(i.e. in the normal, everyday way: ... 79324 ... 872349100218 ... 7777766655443221 ... etc.) at - let us say - 4 digits per inch - and

not just on a single sheet of paper, but on sheet upon sheet, stacked back-to-back (at - say - 250 sheets per inch of depth - the

thickness of photocopying paper) to form a giant cube, then that cube would have side length roughly 10000000000000....000

(38,358 noughts!!) light years (1 light year - the distance light travels in a year - is approximately 58,656,960,000,000 miles).

That is big ; the entire universe would fit inside a cube whose side was only (!) about 30,000,000,000 light years.

2. Tell them, what you told them, you would tell them: that corresponds to the hyperlinked topics just coming up.

3. Tell them, you have told them, what you told them, you would tell them: that will come at the end.

Introduction. A brief revision of some simple mathematical terminology, and a few relevant Maple commands:

Natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ... , n , ... ). Addition and multiplication using Maple .
Powers ( power of ) [this will enable me to tell you what the Fermat numbers are ,
and I will briefly consider the question of the size of Fermat numbers].
Division . Dividing one number by another, quotient , remainder .
Maple commands, and ' modular exponentiation .'
4. Prime numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11,13, 17, 19, ... ), and

composite numbers (4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, ... ).

In my lecture I intend
passing quickly over the next two sections (which the interested attendee may read at his/her

leisure at a later date by looking up the html format version of this talk at my web site); these next two sections are

intended only to provide the historical background to Fermat's discovery of the numbers that now bear his name.

Euclid and perfect numbers

Mersenne primes

Fermat numbers made their first appearance in August 1640 . Fermat's belief with regard to his numbers.

Euler-Fermat theorem (1732).
Euler's discovery (1732) in connection with
[Maple Math] .
Landry's discovery (1880) in connection with
[Maple Math] .
[though see Hugh C. Williams' book
re Clausen (1854) reference, and much, much more besides.]

Pepin's theorem (1877)
Morehead and Western (independently, 1903) in connection with
[Maple Math] .
Brillhart and Morrison (1970) in connection with
[Maple Math] .
[Only the surface can be scratched as far as attribution or credit is concerned;
the interested reader should consult Hugh C. Williams' remarkable book.]

The current state of knowledge,
Proth's theorem of December 1878, and
Yves Gallot's remarkable Proth.exe program.

Events of the summer, starting 5.00 P.M. Friday 23rd. July 1999 [a much more extensive version of this section may be read
at my web site, especially with regard to what I might call the personal history side of events, from my point of view, and also
from Yves Gallot's.]. Briefly, that over the weekend of Frid. 23rd. - Sun. 25th. July, and as a participant [the complete list of
participants as of August 4th. 1999] in the Yves Gallot founded Proth prime project, I had the good fortune to discover - using
Yves Gallot's remarkable, and greatly admired Proth.exe program - the largest known composite Fermat number. Precisely
what that actually means will - I hope! - be clear by the end of my talk.


Web site references

A frequently asked question

Introduction . A brief revision of some simple mathematical terminology, and a few relevant Maple commands:

1. The term ' number ' has a variety of meanings.

Convention . In what follows (for simplicity, and relevance) whenever I use the term number I will generally mean - unless

otherwise stated - what is called a ' natural ' number: The natural numbers are the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... , n , ...


> 3 + 8;

[Maple Math]

> 9876543213333334444449999999999999999999999999888888899999999998888885555555554444444433333328888899999999999998888888888877777777766666666 + 22222244444444449999999999999923800000999999999999999999999776599999999999999999999999432987;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Multiplication . Multiplying 3 and 8 - denoted by 3*8 in Maple - produces 24.

> 3*8;

[Maple Math]

> 98765432133333347777111111111111111111111111111111177777777777777333333333333333334444498888888888888877777777776666655676778876656 *

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

2. Powers . By "2 to the power of 5" (say) is meant the repeated product 2*2*2*2*2 (where there are five two's), which is 32. The standard mathematical notation for 2 to the power of 5 is [Maple Math] . By "3 to the power of 4" (say) is meant the repeated product 3*3*3*3 (where there are four three's), which is 81. The notation for 3 to the power of 4 is [Maple Math] . The general notation for " a to the power of b " - namely a * a * a *...* a (where there are b occurences of ' a ') - is [Maple Math] .

A special case . In the case where the raising power b is 2, [Maple Math] is generally called " a squared ."

Examples .

> 2^5; # the first one above

[Maple Math]

> 3^4; # the second one above

[Maple Math]

> 5^2; # 5 squared:

[Maple Math]

> 19999999988888888777776255244423123100000000006666666665555555555555544444444444444444444411111111111111444444444444444012345678987654321^2;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Definition of the Fermat numbers . I can now tell you what the Fermat numbers are [in so doing I am "pulling them out of a hat," because I want to get down to basics as quickly as possible; later I will show you how they arose in a most natural fashion] ; the Fermat numbers are the infinite sequence of numbers formed by :

starting with the number 2

repeatedly form successive squares :

[Maple Math] ,
[Maple Math] ,
[Maple Math] ,
[Maple Math] ,
[Maple Math] ,
[Maple Math] , etc

add 1 to every one of the above numbers , starting with the initial '2,' forming the ' Fermat ' numbers :

3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, 4294967296,
[Maple Math] , etc

The standard mathematical symbols for those numbers are :
[Maple Math] , etc

There is a succinct mathematical description for these numbers - based upon elementary observations like:

. . . , [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , ... , [Maple Math] (the completely general case)

- namely that the n -th Fermat number (denoted by [Maple Math] ) has this value:

[Maple Math] (for [Maple Math] , ...)

> F[0] := 2^(2^0) + 1; # is the "zero-th" Fermat number, the initial one

[Maple Math]

> F[1] := 2^(2^1) + 1; # is the "first" Fermat number

[Maple Math]

> F[2] := 2^(2^2) + 1; # is the "second" Fermat number

[Maple Math]

> F[3] := 2^(2^3) + 1; # is the "third" Fermat number

[Maple Math]

Just a pause on that last calculation . There I was asking Maple to compute the 3rd. Fermat number, [Maple Math] , whose value is given by [Maple Math] . Check : [Maple Math] is 8, and so [Maple Math] is [Maple Math] , which is 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2, which is 256. Thus [Maple Math] = 256 + 1 = 257.

> F[4] := 2^(2^4) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[5] := 2^(2^5) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[6] := 2^(2^6) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[7] := 2^(2^7) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[8] := 2^(2^8) + 1;

> F[9] := 2^(2^9) + 1;

> F[10] := 2^(2^10) + 1;

> F[11] := 2^(2^11) + 1;

> F[12] := 2^(2^12) + 1;

> length(F[12]); # the command to show F[12] has 1234 digits:

[Maple Math]

The Fermat numbers grow in size extremely rapidly, and it is elementary to argue that each one has

either twice as many digits as the previous one

or one fewer than twice as many digits as the previous one

which I merely illustrate with:

> length(2^(2^4) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^5) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^6) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^7) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^8) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^12) + 1);

[Maple Math]

> length(2^(2^13) + 1); # 2467 is 2*1234 - 1

[Maple Math]

I hope you can begin to appreciate how it is that the 382447th. Fermat number - [Maple Math] - can be so large, can have so many digits:

I have done a rough calculation (see the Fermat Number Record section of my web site) which establishes that [Maple Math] has approximately

[Maple Math] digits.

So far I have only told you what the Fermat numbers are, and I have yet to tell you how they came about in the first place, and

what it is about them that has created such interest in them. That will come shortly. First, though, we need to have a look at:

Division . Choose two numbers - 95 and 7 (say) - and " divide " the larger ( 95 ) by the smaller ( 7 ):

95 = 7 * 13 + 4 ... (i)

It is usual to say that " 7 divides into 95 thirteen times (the 13 is the quotient ), and leaves remainder 4 over. One then says "7 does

not divide evenly into 95" [though mathematicians never say "evenly": you will hear them say: "95 is not divisible by 7." You may

well say that mathematicians are odd that they don't say evenly.]

Now choose two other numbers - 98 and 7 - and divide the larger ( 98 ) by the smaller ( 7 ):

98 = 7 * 14 ... (ii)

It is usual to say that " 7 divides evenly into 98 " ( 14 times; the 14 is the quotient ).

In case (i) one says there is a remainder of 4 when 95 is divided by 7.

In case (ii) one says there is a remainder of 0 when 98 is divided by 7.

Here are the Maple commands for finding those remainders:

> 95 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 98 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2^5 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2^980 mod 816654321900000000055555554444444333333222222211111177777777777777666665555555558765555444491;

[Maple Math]

but look at this (identical to the previous one, except that I have altered the '980' to ... ):

> 2^98076054328 mod 816654321900000000055555554444444333333222222211111177777777777777666665555555558765555444491;

Error, integer too large in context

Comment . The 'too large' refers to the [Maple Math] , which - having 29,523,834,210 digits - is beyond Maple 's capacity

(roughly 500,000 digits) for handling natural numbers.

But computations of such remainders is exactly the sort of thing one wishes to do!!

Have we arrived at an impasse? No!!, not at all!! What we have been trying to do in the last three computations is to carry out

what is known as a modular exponentiation computation: that is to compute the remainder that [Maple Math] leaves on division by M , where

a , b and M are numbers.

To our rescue comes a technique (known as the square-and-multiply method ; it is fundamental to many areas, including cryptography)

which enables such computations to be carried out without having to compute the actual value of the number [Maple Math] . That method is

incorporated into Maple with the following (see how it differs from above)

> 2&^98076054328 mod 816654321900000000055555554444444333333222222211111177777777777777666665555555558765555444491;

[Maple Math]

Instantly!!! You will see later why the facility to perform such a computation is of fundamental importance.

Finally, two critical terms, prime number and composite number:

4. Prime numbers and composite numbers . Every number greater than 1 is - of course - evenly divisible by 1 and


However, some numbers ' p ' , greater than 1, are evenly divisible only by 1 and p .

The first several are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ...

and some later (highly structured) ones are:

8191 ( =
[Maple Math] ), ... ,

1111111111111111111 (where there are nineteen 1's), ... ,

the 1031-digit number
[Maple Math] + ... + [Maple Math] ( = [Maple Math] ) , ...

Such numbers are said to be
prime , and Euclid's 3rd. century B.C. proof that there are an infinite number of prime
numbers is rightly considered a classsic of early mathematical work

On the other hand, all other numbers ' n ', greater than 1, are evenly divisible by some number other than 1 and n .

The first several are: 4 (which, being 2*2, is evenly divisible by 2)

6 (which, being 2*3, is evenly divisible by 2, or 3)
8 (which, being 2*4, is evenly divisible by 2, or 4)
9 (which, being 3*3, is evenly divisible by 3),

and some later (highly structured) ones (compare with the above special primes) are:

8193 ( =
[Maple Math] ),

11111111111111111111111 (where there are twenty-three 1's), ... ,

the 1102-digit number
[Maple Math] + ... + [Maple Math] ( = [Maple Math] ), ...

Such numbers are said to be
composite .

In short :

Prime numbers are numbers with exactly two ' divisors '

Composite numbers are numbers with more than two divisors

A common misunderstanding . One sometimes hears things like: " A composite number is a number that is a product of two primes ,

like 15 which is 3 times 5, or 35 which is 5 times 7, etc." That is not so. Those numbers - 15 and 35 - are examples of composite numbers,

but numbers like 60 are also composite (60 is evenly divisible by 2, and so 60 is 2 times 30. Thus 60 is the product of two numbers one of

which (2) is prime, but the other one (30) is not. What is true is that every composite number is a product of a certain number of primes;

60, for example is the product of the primes 2, 2, 3 and 5.

> ifactor(15);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(60);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(1008);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(3087);

[Maple Math]

So much for terminology .

Return to "A brief revision"

Euclid and perfect numbers (briefly!) [Much greater detail may be viewed in one of my Maple public lectures - given in

October 1997 - on the then recently discovered world record size Mersenne prime. It is available at my web site.]

A perfect number is one whose sum of factors - excluding itself - is equal to itself.


6 is perfect, because the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6, and [Maple Math] .

28 is perfect, because the factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28, and [Maple Math]

496 is perfect, because the factors of 496 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 62, 124, 248 and 496, and
[Maple Math]

Euclid's great discovery (and one to which students may easily be led) was : Let [Maple Math] be a natural number such

that ( [Maple Math] ) is a prime number, then the number [Maple Math] is a perfect number.

Examples .

[Maple Math] is prime, and thus the number [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] , is perfect

[Maple Math] is prime, and thus the number [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] = 33,550,336, is perfect

> isprime(2^13 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> 2^12*(2^13-1);

[Maple Math]

Historical (historic, and unsolved) question : For which values of [Maple Math] is ( [Maple Math] ) prime?

Some partial answers .

If n is composite (i.e., is not prime) then ( [Maple Math] ) is also composite, and - as a consequence -

if ( [Maple Math] ) is prime, then n is prime.

Warning . It is not true that if n is prime then ( [Maple Math] ) is prime

Examples . Note that 11, 23 and 29 are all prime, but:

> isprime(2^11 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(2^11 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> isprime(2^23 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(2^23 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> isprime(2^29 - 1);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(2^29 - 1);

[Maple Math]

Return to "A brief revision"

Mersenne numbers, Mersenne primes .


Let p be prime, then [Maple Math] , is the Mersenne number formed from the prime p .

Let p be prime; if [Maple Math] is prime, then it is said to be a Mersenne prime.

> Mersenne := proc(n1, n2) local p;
for p from n1 to n2 do
if isprime(p) and isprime(2^p - 1)
then print(p, 2^p - 1) fi od end:

> Mersenne(2, 100);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

WARNING. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you can find big Mersenne primes using this ... !! I am attempting

to avoid straying into very, very deep waters.

Return to "A brief revision"

Fermat numbers . In the previous section I set out the longstanding problem there had been in finding primes - called

Mersenne primes - like 3, 7, 31, 127, 8191, ... , each of which is a power of 2 less 1:

[Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] , ... , [Maple Math] [is the 38th known Mersenne prime,

with 2,098,960 digits, and is currently the largest known prime number].

Whereas Mersenne primes had their origin is a question asked in the 3rd. century B.C. (and earlier), Fermat primes/numbers

had their origin in 1640.

Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665 , and the ' father of modern Number Theory ') - a contemporary and correspondent of Mersenne's -

asked himself this apparently simple question , sometime in the Summer of 1640:

Which primes are a power of 2, plus 1?

That is, for which values of
r ( [Maple Math] ...) is ( [Maple Math] ) a prime?

School children, students, anyone, may easily check by hand that:

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 3, is prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 5, is prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 9 = 3*3, is not prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 17, is prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 33 = 3*11, is not prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 65 = 5*13, is not prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 129 = 3*43, is not prime

When [Maple Math] , [Maple Math] = 257, is prime

Perhaps you detect an apparent pattern?

At this point (and this has always been my experience, over many years, with my own students) most people will

immediately leap to the guesses / questions :

Is ( [Maple Math] ) composite when r is not a power of 2? [Here the answer is a simple ' yes ,' and it is an elementary exercise to prove it.]

Is ( [Maple Math] ) prime when r is a power of 2? That is, letting [Maple Math] ( [Maple Math] , ... ) be the m -th Fermat
number, is it true that
[Maple Math] is prime for all [Maple Math] ?

In a letter to Frenicle of August 1640 (and another of October 1640; both letters available - in French - at Antreas P. Hatzipolakis's
web site: <http://users.hol.gr/~xpolakis/fermat/fac.html>) Fermat wrote as follows (English translation quoted from Michael Sean
The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat , Princeton University Press, 2nd edition, 1994; see also Andre Weil's
Number Theory
( An approach through history ), Birkhauser, 1984):

" But here is what I admire most of all: it is that I am just about convinced that all progressive numbers augmented by unity,

of which the exponents are numbers of the double progression, are prime numbers, such as

3, 5, 17, 257, 65537, 4294967297

and the following of twenty digits

18,446,744,073,709,551,617, etc.

I do not have an exact proof of it, but I have excluded such a large quantity of divisors by infallible demonstrations, and my t

houghts rest on such clear insights, that I can hardly be mistaken." [end of Fermat quotation.]

Fermat returned to this question over and over again in the remaining 25 years of his life, and, when he died in January 1665,

he had neither proved that all Fermat numbers were prime, nor found an example of one that was composite.

The first example of a composite Fermat number was only found in 1732, when the most prolific mathematician of all time - the

famous Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) - discovered that the 5th Fermat number, [Maple Math] , is evenly divisible by 641:

> F[5] := 2^(2^5) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[5] mod 641;

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(F[5]);

[Maple Math]

Question . How did Euler make the discovery that [Maple Math] is divisible by 641? Did he just do a trial-and-error series of calculations,

trying (as some texts wrongly state) one possible prime divisor of [Maple Math] after another?:

> F[5] mod 3;

[Maple Math]

> F[5] mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> F[5] mod 11;

[Maple Math]

> F[5] mod 13;

[Maple Math]

and so on until ... .

Answer . No; Euler found that [Maple Math] was divisible by 641 by using the following

Special case of the Fermat-Euler theorem (1732) . For any value of m (= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... ), every divisor p (prime or otherwise)

of ( [Maple Math] ) must leave remainder 1 when divided by [Maple Math] . In other words, every divisor p of ( [Maple Math] ) must have

the following structure :

[Maple Math] * [Maple Math] , for some [Maple Math] , ... .

[In later years that " [Maple Math] " was improved - for m = 2, 3, 4, ... - to " [Maple Math] " by a theorem of Gauss.]

The point of this theorem is simply this :

What Euler did (actually Andre Weil is of the view (which I am in sympathy) that Fermat himself also did this - using his

unproven discovery - but made an arithmetical error) was to attempt to find a factor of:

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = 4,294,967,297

by using the proved result that any prime factor p of [Maple Math] must be of the form:

[Maple Math] (some k = 1, 2, 3, 4, ... )

and, when he got up to k = 10 he found that [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] divides evenly into [Maple Math] .

In the following century, Landry (in 1880, and at the age of 82!) found that 274,177 divided evenly into:

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = 18,446,744,073,709,551,617

> F[6] := 2^(2^6) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> F[6] mod 274177;

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(F[6]);

[Maple Math]

Warning . I am not going to use Maple to attempt to factor
[Maple Math] :

> F[7] := 2^(2^7) + 1;

[Maple Math]

because that number was only factored as recently as 1970 - it has the following prime factorization:

[Maple Math] = ( [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] )*( [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] )

and it was only possible to do so because of a very great theoretical advance (the
continued fraction factorisation method ),

made that year, due to Brillhart and Morrison . [John Brillhart is in a historic photograph that I have made available at my web

site: go to my home page, and click on the Oxford 1969 button.]

> p1 := 116503103764643*2^9 + 1;

[Maple Math]

> isprime(p1);

[Maple Math]

> p2 := 11141971095088142685*2^9 + 1;

[Maple Math]

> isprime(p2);

[Maple Math]

> N := p1*p2;

[Maple Math]

> F[7];

[Maple Math]

> is(N = F[7]);

[Maple Math]

However, in 1970 it had already been known from the first decade of this century that [Maple Math] is composite!!

Big question . How had it been possible to know at an earlier time (than 1970) that [Maple Math] is composite?

This brings us to Th�ophile P�pin (1826-1905)'s remarkable theorem of 1877 (which developed in a particular direction a work

of �douard Lucas of the previous year, and which formed the basis of a result Fran�ois Proth's at the end of 1878):

If the number [Maple Math] leaves remainder [Maple Math] when divided by [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is a prime,


if the number [Maple Math] doesn't leave remainder [Maple Math] when divided by [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is not a prime.

Comment . This is a remarkable theorem!! It tells one that the status of a Fermat number [Maple Math] ( vis � vis knowing

if it is prime or composite) may be determined by carrying out a single computation, namely:

divide [Maple Math] by [Maple Math] , and

if the remainder turns out to be [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is a prime number, but

if the remainder turns out not to be [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is not a prime number.

Small hand performed example , by way of illustration :

Let [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = 17, and so [Maple Math] = [Maple Math] ,

and dividing 6561 by 17 we get: 6561 = 17* [Maple Math]

proving , by P�pin's theorem that [Maple Math] = 17, is prime.

That small example was for illustration purposes only ; no one would seriously prove that 17 is prime by appealing to

P�pin's theorem!! However for larger values of [Maple Math] , it really is a serious issue to decide the status of [Maple Math] by using

P�pin's theorem, and only as recently as September 1999 was the case [Maple Math] settled in the US - after several years of

computation - by a group of researchers led by Richard Crandall (Director of the Centre for Advanced Scientific

Computation). Currently the smallest Fermat number of unknown status is [Maple Math] , which Richard Crandall

estimates would require about 10,000 of computation to resolve.

Here is the Maple command for the P�pin [Maple Math] and other computations:

> F[2] := 2^(2^2) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3^((F[2] - 1)/2), F[2]);

[Maple Math]

> F[3] := 2^(2^3) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3^((F[3] - 1)/2), F[3]);

[Maple Math]

> F[4] := 2^(2^4) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3^((F[4] - 1)/2), F[4]);

[Maple Math]

Incidentally, let us just have a peek at the value of the number:

> 3^((F[4] - 1)/2);

It is quite large! Please note that in the html version of this lecture I will have to OMIT that output

because it leads to the creation of a very large gif file.

This computes how many digits it has:

> length(3^((F[4] - 1)/2));

[Maple Math]

Now let's do the Euler case, where [Maple Math] :

> F[5] := 2^(2^5) + 1;

[Maple Math]

But see what happens when we attempt to apply the P�pin theorem:

> mods(3^((F[5] - 1)/2), F[5]);

Error, integer too large in context

So, is Maple useless, when we only get up to the modest sized [Maple Math] ?

No, not at all; this is similar to an earlier modular exponentiation computation, and once again the square-and-

multiply technique comes to our rescue [the inserted ' & ' between the '3' and the '^' makes the difference]:

> mods(3&^((F[5] - 1)/2), F[5]);

[Maple Math]

The fact that the '10324303' is not ' [Maple Math] ' proves - using P�pin's theorem - that [Maple Math] is not prime.

> F[6] := 2^(2^6) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3&^((F[6] - 1)/2), F[6]);

[Maple Math]

> F[7] := 2^(2^7) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3&^((F[7] - 1)/2), F[7]);

[Maple Math]

It was precicely that last computation which enabled Morehead and Western in 1903 to prove that [Maple Math] was composite,

without finding an actual number that divided evenly into [Maple Math] .

> F[8] := 2^(2^8) + 1;

[Maple Math]

> mods(3&^((F[8] - 1)/2), F[8]);

[Maple Math]

> F[9] := 2^(2^9) + 1;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> mods(3&^((F[9] - 1)/2), F[9]);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> F[10] := 2^(2^10) + 1;

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> mods(3&^((F[10] - 1)/2), F[10]);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Those computations establish that [Maple Math] are all composite - a very far cry from Fermat's belief that all [Maple Math] 's are prime!!

Return to Pepin's theorem

The current state of knowledge re Fermat numbers . I mention only some of the most important :

The only known Fermat primes are the first five: [Maple Math] [the current orthodoxy is that these are the only
Fermat primes. I do not share that view, and would maintain that some work of mine, from March of 1999, casts
considerable doubt on this. That work of mine - part of which rediscovers work of Shanks from the early 60's, and
some of Ligh and Jones from the early 80's - is available in a 21-page
Word document in the Fermat 6 section of my web site.]

[Maple Math] is known to be composite for all [Maple Math] with 4 < [Maple Math] , and the [Maple Math] case was only settled as recently as this August
(followed by some checking), and was announced by Richard Crandall (Director of the Center for Advanced Scientific
Computation, Reed College, Oregon, USA) to the Number Theory mailing list on September 30th this year.

[Maple Math] (all known to be composite by the use of P�pin's theorem) have no known factors

Fran�ois Proth (1852-1879), a "self-taught farmer, who lived all his short life in the village of Vaux devant Damloup near
Verdun in France," [Hugh Williams' book] discovered the following theorem in 1878 (I teach it to my 3rd. year students,
and notes about it are available form my web site):

Let [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] where k and n are natural numbers with [Maple Math] ; then N is a prime number if there is a number ' [Maple Math] '

with the property that:

[Maple Math] leaves remainder [Maple Math] on division by [Maple Math] ,

in other words, if there is a number a such that [Maple Math] ... (P') for some number [Maple Math] .

Small hand performed example (with [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] ):

Let [Maple Math] = 3* [Maple Math] , then choosing [Maple Math] we find that

[Maple Math] = [Maple Math] = 5* [Maple Math] ... (compare with P' above)

and so, by Proth's theorem, [Maple Math] is prime.

Return to Pepin's theorem

Yves Gallot (Toulouse, France, where Fermat discovered the numbers that now bear his name) has written a truly

extraordinary program - named Proth.exe after Proth - which incorporated Proth's theorem with a revolutionary new idea of

the the past twenty years - the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). [Charles Van Loan (with whom I used to play five-a-side soccer

in Manchester university in the early 70's) - Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering in the Dept. of Computer Science at Cornell

University - is quoted on page 149 of Richard Crandall's Topics in Advanced Scientific Computation as follows:

[The Fast Fourier Transform] " has changed the face of science and
engineering so much so that it is not an exaggeration to say that life
as we know it would be very different without the FFT
." [CVL, 1992]

Basically what Yves Gallot's program does is this:

it searches for primes p of the form: [Maple Math] (the interest lies in small k and large n )

and - whenever it finds such a prime p - it then tests to see if p divides certain associated Fermat numbers.

In particular, on finding the recent prime [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] , his program then proceeded to perform the
monumental computation that p divides evenly into [Maple Math] .

I have prepared a simple Maple worksheet - available from my web site - showing that the number of digits that [Maple Math]

has approximately [Maple Math] digits, and would require a square board with side length approximately [Maple Math] LIGHT

YEARS in order to write [Maple Math] in decimal notation at 4 digits per inch, and even if one were to write the digits at [Maple Math]

digits per inch it would only bring the side of the square down to (not a surprise) [Maple Math] light years.

Return to Pepin's theorem

Events of the Summer . In my lecture I wish only to mention that near the end of July I had the good fortune to discover -

as a participant in the Yves Gallot inspired, Proth project - that the 115,130 digit number:

[Maple Math] * [Maple Math] is prime [then - and still - the 10th largest prime ever found]

and that it divides evenly into the 382447-th Fermat number [Maple Math] , making [Maple Math] be the

largest known composite Fermat number .

In the late afternoon of Friday 23rd. July 1999, I sent the following announcement to the Irish Mathematics Departments

List Server, and to a number of individual mathematicians worldwide:

Dear Friends and colleagues,

I am delighted to inform you that using Yves Gallot's Proth program I have just found the 10th. largest known prime (and
a new Irish prime record into the bargain). The prime is 3*
[Maple Math] , and it has 115130 digits.

All the credit goes to Proth (1878, whose theorem I teach to my 3rd. years), to Gallot for his remarkable program, and to my
College for computer access during the slack Summer period. I have put up a brief note about it on my web site

Then, two days later, on the evening of Sunday 25th. August I sent out the following much more exciting announcement:


Dear Friends and colleagues, Using Yves Gallot's remarkable Proth program I have made the fortuitous discoveries that:

1. [Maple Math] * [Maple Math] is prime (the 10th. largest known one, and the 3rd. largest non-Mersenne prime),
p is a divisor of the Fermat number [Maple Math]

[Maple Math] be the largest known composite Fermat number , and the sixth Fermat number for which

a factor has been found using Gallot's program.
p is a divisor of the following 'generalized Fermat numbers' (GFN's): [Maple Math] ,

[Maple Math] , [Maple Math] ,

4. p is not a divisor of any [Maple Math] nor of any [Maple Math] ,

p is a 'generalized Cullen prime.'

Previously the largest known composite Fermat number was
[Maple Math] , with prime factor

3* [Maple Math] [Jeff Young, 1998]. I made my chance discovery while making a systematic Proth-Gallot test

of all numbers 3* [Maple Math] , with ' n ' ranging between 366,000 and 390,000, spread over 40-50 machines in my

College's main computer laboratory, during the past two months. Best wishes to you all, John


1. Wilfrid Keller maintains the 'Prime factors k*2^n + 1 of Fermat numbers F[m] and complete factoring status' site

at: <http://vamri.xray.ufl.edu/proths/fermat.html>

2. Ray Ballinger valiantly maintains the Proth prime search site at: <http://vamri.xray.ufl.edu/proths/>

3. Chris Caldwell maintains the remarkable Prime number site at: <http://www.utm.edu/research/primes>

Much more detail concerning the story and timing of the discovery may be seen at my College we site,

including a simple analysis showing that the supra-astronomically large number [Maple Math]

has approximately [Maple Math] digits would require a square board of side length approximately [Maple Math] LIGHT

YEARS in order to write it out in decimal notation at 4 digits per inch

Web site and some text references :

Yves Gallot's remarkable Proth.exe program may be downloaded from:


Dr. Ray Ballinger of the University of Florida valiantly maintains the Proth prime search site at:


The current complete factoring status re Fermat numbers is maintained by Dr. Wilfrid Keller (who once - in 1984 - held
the record for the largest known composite Fermat number; it was then
[Maple Math] ) of Hamburg University at this site:

For matters relating to primes in general one should look no further than Dr. Chris Caldwell's monumental site at:

A delightful, and famous book - written by a non-mathematician Constance Reid (but benefiting from being the sister
of the renowned mathematician Julia Robinson, and the sister-in-law of Julia's husband, mathematician R.M. Robinson)
From Zero to Infinity , provides a wonderful introduction to Mersenne and Fermat numbers (and much else besides), and
is obtainable from the Mathematical Association of America at http://www.maa.org

For a serious student I unreservedly recommend Hugh C. Williams' monumental Edouard Lucas and Primality Testing ,
Volume 22 of the Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts, published by John Wiley
& Sons, Inc. in 1998. ISBN 0-471-14852-0

Also, should you wish to buy a copy of Hugh Williams' book, I unreservedly recommend Joel Turner of Undercover Books
(Ohio, USA); his email address is
[email protected], or web http://undercoverbooks.com

Disclaimer : These are unsolicited recommendations .

Here is the above 115,130 digit prime [Maple Math] [I omit it from both the mws and html versions to save space.]:

> p := 3*2^382449 + 1;

Participants in the Proth prime search as of August 4th. 1999: Ed Adamson, Mark Alfonso, Bojan Antonovic, Ray Ballinger,

Brian Beesley, Christer Berg, Steve Bird, Lars Blomberg, Didier Boivin, Jack Brennen, Byron Buck, Ingo Buechel, Robert Burrowes,

Chris Caldwell, Kevin Carton, John Chatzikonstantinou, Robert Clark, John Cosgrave , Joseph Cox, Nick Craig-Wood, Mike Curtis,

Chad Davis, Daval Davis, Mike Dawson, John De-Cuir, S�bastien Desnault, Olivier Dodinval, Pete Dodson, Harvey Dubner ,

R�diger Eckhard, Germano Vale Filho, Matt Fischer, Martin Freiss, Brandon Galbraith, Yves Gallot , Michael Graef, Gennady Gusev ,

Henry Hamilton, Michael Hannigan, David Hanson, Bill Hodgeman, Chris Jeppesen, Jo Yeong Uk, Paul Jobling, Craig Johnston, Rick Jones, Henk-Jan de Jong, Wilfrid Keller, Chip Kerchner, Ship Key, Eduard Kostolansky, Richard Kowalski, Herni Lifchitz, Lars Lindley,

Dave Linton, Jud McCranie, Bryan McIntyre, Sven Meinhardt, Michal Misztal, Dan Morenus , Chris Nash, Peter Neugebauer,

Takahiro Nohara, Alexis Nunes, Michael O'Brien, Kevin O'Hare, Anton Oleynick, Nicolas Pagnier, Charlie Partin, Michael Peake,

Kirk Pearson, Andy Penrose, Richard Quelle, John Renze , Stephen Scott, Rob Simmons, Chris St.Clair, Ola Svallmark, Aaron Swihart,

Janusz Szmidt, Tadashi Taura, Manfred Toplic, Steven Whitaker, Vincent Wighman, Jeff Wolski, Helmut Zeisel and Bruce Ziemienski.

I have underlined those who have had the joy of discovering a composite Fermat number using Yves Gallot's Proth program.
Some of the others are household names in computational Number Theory, but I mention only:

Chris Caldwell. His Prime Page web site is the most highly regarded for recording material about prime numbers; in fact it has
no serious rival. He has also established a number of recordsover the years in connection with 'Euclidean', and related primes.

Harvey Dubner. The creator of the 'Cruncher' chip, and the holder of an extraordinary range of prime number records.

Wilfrid Keller. In 1984 he established - with access to a CRAY supercomputer at Hamburg university - a new composite Fermat
number record: that
[Maple Math] is divisible by the prime number (5* [Maple Math] ). That record stood for almost 14 years.

Chris Nash. He has developed a fine program - Prime Form - for which he pays handsome tribute to Yves Gallot for making
available the library of Proth.exe. Prime Form allows one to choose whatever numbers one wishes to test for primality.

Tadashi Taura. He participates in the Proth project, but using his own independent approach he has found a number of
smaller composite Fermat numbers.

Return to "Events of the summer"

Summary . I hope you now

1. Know what prime and composite numbers are .

2. Know what the Fermat numbers are , and have an idea as to how they came into being.

3. Have some feeling for their great size.

4. Have some rough idea as to the mathematical ideas that have been brought to bear on
Fermat numbers, and know what is the great unsolved problem relating to them


A frequently asked question . Over the past few months, quite a number of people have said things to me like:

" John, this enormous Fermat number - [Maple Math] - which you tell us is so big

(so big that to write it out on a square sheet of paper at - so vast, that to write it out - not just on a single sheet of paper,

but on sheet upon sheet, stacked back-to-back (at - say - 250 sheets per inch of depth; the thickness of photocopying paper)
to form a giant cube, then that cube would have side length roughly 10 to the power of 38358 light years (1 light year is
approximately 58,656,960,000,000 miles),

how is it possible
for that number to be found on one of the College's computers when it can't be written out in the whole universe ? "

An attempt at an answer . You must stop thinking of that number being written out in the normal way - in decimal notation (in the base 10) -

and concentrate instead on the way in which [Maple Math] is defined , namely that it is [Maple Math] , where w itself is defined by [Maple Math] . I am

going to show you how it is possible (not only possible, but I will actually do it!) to calculate - just by using our brains, no computing - that

[Maple Math] is not divisible by - let us say - the number 7. I could choose a larger number than '7', but that is not the issue; the real point I wish

to make is that without knowing the actual value of [Maple Math] one can easily calculate the remainder that it leaves when it is divided by 7.

I don't need to cut any corners, though I will cut down on the normal standards of mathematical rigour (and where I do so I will point it out).

First , I ask you to think about the remainders that successive powers of 2 leave when divided by 7:

2 leaves remainder 2 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] , leaves remainder 4 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*1 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*2 + 2, leaves remainder 2 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*4 + 4, leaves remainder 4 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*9 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 7,




[Maple Math] = 7*306783378 + 2, leaves remainder 2 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*613566756 + 4, leaves remainder 4 when divided by 7,

[Maple Math] = 7*1227133513 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 7,

I'm sure you see what is going on: the remainders appear to form a cyclic pattern [2, 4, 1], [2, 4, 1], [2, 4, 1], etc.

The 'etc' is all too easily written down, but is it true that the pattern continues? Yes, it does. If you are prepared to accept
that it does then we may continue, but if not then I would just point out that it is easily argued that the cycle does continue
(contact me if you really want to know how the detail is provided).

Now ask : what remainder does [Maple Math] leave when divided by 7?, and you will quickly realise that it all depends on

one simple observation, namely: it all depends on the remainder that ' r ' leaves on division by 3 .

if r = 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, ... then [Maple Math] will leave remainder 2 when divided by 7
In short : if r leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3 then [Maple Math] leaves remainder 2 when divided by 7

if r = 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, ... then [Maple Math] will leave remainder 4 when divided by 7
In short : if r leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3 then [Maple Math] leaves remainder 4 when divided by 7

if r = 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, ... then [Maple Math] will leave remainder 1 when divided by 7
In short : if r is evenly divisible by 3 then [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 when divided by 7

The fundamental point is now this : In order to be able to calculate the remainder that any number [Maple Math] leaves on division by 7 (say),

you don't need to know the actual value of the number [Maple Math] ; all you need to know is the remainder that r leaves on division by 3.

And so, for example, if we wanted to know the remainder that [Maple Math] left when divided by 7, all we need do is divide the

' 1000000000' by 3, to see what the remainder came to, and it is 1, since 1000000000 = 3 *333333333 + 1 . That then enables us

immediately to say that when [Maple Math] is divided by 7, the remainder will automatically be 2.

You want to see an actual computation?

> 2^1000000000 mod 7;

Error, object too large

and you know why that has happened? Maple threw up its hands and said "object too large"; the [Maple Math] is way, way beyond its capacity.

But all is not lost!! The modular exponentiation command (which has incorporated into it the square-and-multilpy method) gives:

> 2&^1000000000 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

and see the next few:

> 2&^1000000001 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^1000000002 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^1000000003 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^1000000004 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^1000000005 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

That is - as we already know - the [2, 4, 1] cyclic pattern.

Now , what we need to turn our attention to is the question: what remainder does [Maple Math] leave when divided by 3 .

[We want to know that, because it is the key to finally knowing what remainder [Maple Math] leaves on division by 7.]

We begin like before (and find that a new cycle emerges):

2 leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3,

[Maple Math] = 3*1 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3,

[Maple Math] = 3*2 + 2, leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3,

[Maple Math] = 3*5 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3,

[Maple Math] = 3*10 + 2, leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3,

[Maple Math] = 3*21 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3,

I'm sure you see what is going on: the remainders appear to form a cyclic pattern [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1], etc.

Now ask : what remainder does the number [Maple Math] leave when divided by 3?, and you will quickly realise that it all
depends on one simple observation, namely:
it all depends on the remainder that ' r ' leaves on division by 2 .

if r = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, ... then [Maple Math] will leave remainder 2 when divided by 3
In short : if r leaves remainder 1 when divided by 2 then [Maple Math] leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3

if r = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, ... then [Maple Math] will leave remainder 1 when divided by 3
In short : if r is evenly divisible by 2, then [Maple Math] leaves remainder 1 when divided by 3

Now we are able to determine the exact remainder that [Maple Math] leaves when we divide it by 7:

Because 382447 = 2*191223 + 1, leaves remainder 1 when divided by 2, then we know that [Maple Math] must leave remainder 2 when divided by 3.

Because we know that [Maple Math] leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3, we then know that [Maple Math] must leave remainder 4 when divided by 7,

and so we then know - without having worked out its actual value - that [Maple Math] must leave remainder 3 on division by 7

[if we have a number ' X ' that leaves leaves remainder 4 on division by 7, then X = 7*x + 4 , and so X + 1 = (7*x + 4) + 1 = 7*x + 5 , which

leaves 5 over when divided by 7.]

> 2&^(2^100) + 1 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(2^101) + 1 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(2^102) + 1 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(2^103) + 1 mod 7;

[Maple Math]

Summary . The supra-astronomically large number [Maple Math] has been shown not to be evenly divisible by 7, without the actual value

of [Maple Math] being known, or needing to be known.

Return to "A brief revision"

Contact details 

After August 31st 2007 please use the following Gmail address: jbcosgrave at gmail.com

This page was last updated 18 February 2005 15:08:52 -0000