The two primary references, and a book recommendation
1. W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman,
New directions in cryptography
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IT-22
(1976), 644-654.
L. M. Adelman, R. L. Rivest and A. Shamir,
A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems
Communications of the ACM
, 21 (1978), 120-126. (It made its way into the public domain the previous year)
If you don't already know of it - or do, but don't yet have a copy - then seek out
In Code
A Mathematical Journey
) by remarkable young Irish woman Sarah Flannery, and her co-author father David Flannery (mathematician, and teacher extraordinaire). Check out (rave) reviews at the MAA and AMS web sites.