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> # how_many.mws

How many, how big?

Introduction . Let [Maple Math] be the n -th Fermat number ; that is, let: [Maple Math] ( [Maple Math] , ... )

This entirely elementary worksheet is solely concerned with two questions :

Question #1 . How many digits does [Maple Math] have, when expressed in the base 10?

Question #2 . How big (measured in Light Years !) a square board would be needed on which to write [Maple Math] , assuming digits were written at (say) ' [Maple Math] '
digits per inch? [in practice
[Maple Math] might be a reasonable value, but we will also look at atomic levels, with (say) [Maple Math] .]

and I leave it as an exercise to deal with

Question #3 . How long (measured in years ) would it take to write out [Maple Math] on the assumption that one wrote the digits of [Maple Math] at (say) ' [Maple Math] ' digits per second ?

Question #1: how many ? Let [Maple Math] have m digits, when expressed in the base 10; then:
[Maple Math] < [Maple Math] .

In fact - since [Maple Math] is clearly impossible (one is even, the other odd) - we have:

[Maple Math] < [Maple Math] .

Taking logarithms to the base 10, we have: [Maple Math] < [Maple Math] ,

and so: [Maple Math] .

where [Maple Math] is the ' integer part of ' mathematical function, which in Maple goes by the name of ' floor '. Thus in Maple notation ' m ' is given by:

floor(2^n*log[10](2)) + 1

Let's look at some calculations :

> F := n -> 2^(2^n) + 1; # defining 'F' as a function

[Maple Math]

> seq(F(n), n=0..5); # the first 6 Fermat numbers

[Maple Math]

> length(F(19)); # F(19) is big:

[Maple Math]

> length(F(20)); # F(20)

[Maple Math]

> length(F(21)); # as one would expect:

Error, (in F) object too large


And that's only [Maple Math] !! But we will later be examining [Maple Math] !!!!

Question . How can one do this?

Answer . Simply by working with an approximate decimal value for [Maple Math] , and not compute explicit computation of actual values of [Maple Math] :

> say1 := proc(n)
lprint(`The ACTUAL NUMBER ('m') of base
10 digits in the`,n,`-th. Fermat number is`,
floor((2^n)*log[10](2.0)) + 1)


Some comparative examples ( Note : I have placed the comment sign '#' immediately before the command to prevent output, and to save space in this worksheet. All you have to do if you are interested is:

first delete the '#'

then go to File and Save as a precaution

and then execute the command

> # length(2^(2^19) + 1);

> say1(19);

The ACTUAL NUMBER ('m') of base 
10 digits in the 19 -th. Fermat number is 157827


> length(2^(2^21) + 1);

Error, object too large

> say1(21);

The ACTUAL NUMBER ('m') of base 
10 digits in the 21 -th. Fermat number is 631306


> say1(200);

The ACTUAL NUMBER ('m') of base 
10 digits in the 200 -th. Fermat number is 483736552500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001


One should bear in mind that 'ACTUAL VALUE' should be understood to be 'APPROXIMATE VALUE' for large values of n , because of rounding

errors involving the 10-place approximate value Maple is using for [Maple Math] .

But the order of magnitude is certainly correct .

Now let's look at [Maple Math] [ Note : I have placed the comment sign '#' immediately before the command to prevent output, and to save space in this worksheet. All you have to do if you are interested is:

first delete the '#'

then go to File and Save as a precaution

and then execute the command ]

> # say1(382477);


I think we would all agree that is a bit too much!!

That can easily be dealt with by making a simple alteration to the procedure say1:

> say2 := proc(n) local P1, P2, M;
P1 := n*log[10](2.0);
P2 := log[10](log[10](2.0));
M := P1 + P2;
lprint(`A good APPROXIMATE value of
the number of base 10 digits in the`, n,
`-th. Fermat number is 10 TO THE POWER of`, M)


The rationale behind the definitions of those local variables should be clear [but would require some explanation for some students].

[I could omit those local variables altogether, but I have used them as a guide to how the ' M ' is arrived at.]

Some examples .

> say2(12);

A good APPROXIMATE value of
the number of base 10 digits in the 12 -th. Fermat number is 10 TO THE POWER of 3.090969720


Remove the comment sign, and execute, to compute actual value:

> # F(12);

> length(F(12));

[Maple Math]

> 10^3.090969720;

[Maple Math]


> say2(1000);

A good APPROXIMATE value of
the number of base 10 digits in the 1000 -th. Fermat number is 10 TO THE POWER of 300.5086055


> say2(382447); # the new record composite Fermat number

A good APPROXIMATE value of
the number of base 10 digits in the 382447 -th. Fermat number is 10 TO THE POWER of 115127.4974


Thus the Fermat number [Maple Math] has a huge number of digits, and so clearly it is going to require rather a large board on which to write it down. That, then, brings us to:

Question #2: how big a board?

Let's think about writing [Maple Math] in a closest fit square board. Let's do an actual example:

> F(7);

[Maple Math]

> length(F(7));

[Maple Math]


We could write F(7) into the closest fit square by:

457 (here some
excess over the 6 by 6 square)
or by:
(here some
shortfall under the 7 by 7 square)

Okay, the individual digits are not occuping squares.

Now define the variables , and record their approximate relationship :

Let [Maple Math] - having m digits when expressed in the base 10 - be written in a closest fit square board (with some possible excess or shortfall)
with side length
[Maple Math] inches

Let the digits (occuping equal height and width) be written at [Maple Math] digits per inch

Approximate connection: [Maple Math] giving: [Maple Math] .

Now to compute the side length [Maple Math] - first in inches - of the square it would take to write out (really big) Fermat numbers.

First, though, I wish to note this: I could work with the following procedure - which is formed in the obvious way from the earlier ones:

> # inches := proc(n, N)
# lprint(`The approximate side length - in INCHES -
# of the closest fit square in which to write the
# digits of the`, n,`-th. Fermat number is`,
# evalf(sqrt(floor((2^n)*log[10](2.0)) + 1))/N)
# end:


but instead I am going to work with this slight alteration of it:

> inches := proc(n, N)
lprint(`The approximate side length
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the`, n,`-th. Fermat
number at`, N, `digits per inch is`,
evalf(sqrt((2^n)*log[10](2.0)))/N, `INCHES`)


in which I have omitted :

the ' +1 ' (that's of no real consequence)

the use of ' floor ' (that is of consequence because there are computational time problems when large values of ' n ' are involved)


Examples (Note. Remove the comment sign before the following command, and then execute).

> # length(F(19));

> sqrt(157827.0);

[Maple Math]


Thus to write [Maple Math] out in a square would essentially require a 397 by 397 grid, and so if the digits were written at [Maple Math] - four digits per inch - then the side length of the square would be about [Maple Math] inches


> inches(19, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 19 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per inch is 99.31843183 INCHES


> inches(70, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 70 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per inch is 4712970738. INCHES


And, of course, if we double the number of digits per inch then it halves the length of the square:

> inches(70, 8);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 70 -th. Fermat
number at 8 digits per inch is 2356485369. INCHES

> inches(70, 16);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 70 -th. Fermat
number at 16 digits per inch is 1178242684. INCHES


Those squares are BIG (which comes as no surprise, though it causes a problem to ones brain to visualise!)

Let's convert to miles [I grew up with inches, feet, yards, ... , miles, and so apologies to anyone used to centimetres etc. Make your own conversions]. Recall there are:

12 inches in a foot

3 feet in a yard

1760 yards in a mile

> miles := proc(n, N)
lprint(`The approximate side length
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the`, n,`-th. Fermat
number at`, N, `digits per INCH is`,


> miles(70, 16);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 70 -th. Fermat
number at 16 digits per INCH is 18596.00196 MILES


> miles(700, 32);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 700 -th. Fermat
number at 32 digits per INCH is .6206377985e99 MILES


And there - as you see - Maple has moved to the level of exponential notation, and this is the place to start converting to Light Years .

First, though , I want to make an optical change to the ' lprint ' line in the miles proc: instead of saying "the number of miles is X ... ", I want to alter it to: "the number of miles is 10 to the power of ... ",

> miles2 := proc(n, N)
lprint(`The approximate side length
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the`, n,`-th. Fermat
number at`, N, `digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of`,


> miles2(70, 16);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 70 -th. Fermat
number at 16 digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of 4.269419583 MILES

> miles2(700, 16);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 700 -th. Fermat
number at 16 digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of 99.09386822 MILES


Now, what I really want is to let [Maple Math] , to see the GIGANTIC size of the Fermat number [Maple Math] :

> miles2(382447, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 382447 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of 57558.34481 MILES


Three final things to do :

Convert to light years

Greatly increase the value of [Maple Math]

Examine some down-to-earth distances

First, recall the definition of a ' light year ':

Definition . A light year is the distance traversed by light in one year.

Working assumption s.

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second

The year has 365 days

Converting miles to light years :

> light_year := 186000*60*60*24*356; # miles

[Maple Math]


I want to express that as an approximate power of 10:

> log[10](5721062400000.0);

[Maple Math]


And so a light year is [Maple Math] miles , which explains the following alteration of the miles3 procedure:

> LIGHT_YEARS := proc(n, N)
lprint(`The approximate length of
the closest fit square in which to write
the digits of the`, n,`-th. Fermat
number at`,
N, `digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of`,
log[10](evalf(sqrt((2.0^n)*log[10](2.0)))/(N*12*3*1760)) - 12.75747668,


And thus - writing at 4 digits per inch - the Fermat number [Maple Math] would require a square whose size was give by:

> LIGHT_YEARS(382447, 4);

The approximate length of 
the closest fit square in which to write
the digits of the 382447 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of 57545.58733 LIGHT YEARS


That is a very great distance (with which I cannot mentally come to terms), and it is linguistically meaningless to merely call it ' astronomically large .'

Just think for a moment of some of the great astronomical distances, from say the nearest star (apart from our own sun, which is a mere 9 light minutes away from us), through some nearby nebula (Andromeda at 2,000,000 light years), and so on ... .

And suppose we went to atomic levels of writing , let's say we set: [Maple Math]

> LIGHT_YEARS(382477, 10^30);

The approximate length of 
the closest fit square in which to write
the digits of the 382477 -th. Fermat
number at 1000000000000000000000000000000 digits per INCH is 10 to
the POWER of 57520.70484 LIGHT YEARS


That relatively small reduction in the length should not come as a surprise. Finally, let's consider some examples nearer to home, and fix [Maple Math] at 4.

I grew up in a small town (Bailieboro), about 60 miles from here:

> miles(49, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 49 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per INCH is 51.36468395 MILES


The moon is about 250,000 miles away:

> miles(74, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 74 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per INCH is 297536.0313 MILES


The sun is about 92,000,000 miles away:

> miles(90, 4);

The approximate side length 
of the closest fit square in which to
write the digits of the 90 -th. Fermat
number at 4 digits per INCH is 76169224.01 MILES


Contact details 

After August 31st 2007 please use the following Gmail address: jbcosgrave at gmail.com

This page was last updated 18 February 2005 15:07:40 -0000