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> # 1914_pap.mws

Thinking through Pocklington's 1914-16 paper

Henry Cabourn Pocklington, 1870-1952 . St. John's College, Cambridge. Wrote a paper with title The Determination of the Prime or Composite
Nature of Large Numbers by Fermat's theorem
. It was published in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (the mathematical

section of it) in 1916 (it was only two pages long!), but it was "Read" on the 9th. of March 1914.

Paragraph I of Pocklington . He starts by making the obvious comments about how one should use Fermat's little theorem when wondering about

the status of a given natural number n (I change all of his symbols, and some of his ways of expression):

calculate [Maple Math] mod n , and

if that is not 1 then n is automatically composite, but

if it is 1, then it's time to start thinking:

Pocklington then proceeds to make an examination of consequences of :

[Maple Math] mod n

Let p be a prime factor ("preferably the largest") of [Maple Math] , and let [Maple Math] be the largest power of p dividing [Maple Math] (so one now has [Maple Math] ,
for some
w ( w not divisible by p ).

He now
suggests computing [Maple Math] mod n , and he goes on to
remark that
in the event that [Maple Math] mod n (he later considers the case when it is 1) , one should then compute:

[Maple Math] (definition of [Maple Math] )

Aside : for Maple computations one would not use i [Maple Math] , as it leads (when large value were involved) to "Error, object too large";

rather one uses i
[Maple Math] , which causes no problems.]

He remarks that if [Maple Math] then one has found a proper factor of n.

For example , let n be given by:

> n := 2152302898747; # from Pinch's Nov.'93 AMS Notices article

[Maple Math]

> 2&^(n-1) mod n; # taking 'a' to be 2

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(n-1);

[Maple Math]

> p := 31;

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((n-1)/p) mod n; # p = 3779 gave a '1' here:

[Maple Math]

not '1', and so we proceed to compute:

> delta := igcd(2&^((n-1)/p) mod n - 1, n);

[Maple Math]


is a proper factor of n :

> n/delta;

[Maple Math]

and then he goes on to comment on the case where [Maple Math] :

He simply remarks that when [Maple Math] then :

[Maple Math] is (obviously) not divisible by any prime factor of n , and from that he manages to squeeze an important observation about
any prime factor q of the number n .

But first , let us see some examples where [Maple Math] ,

following on from
having already had [Maple Math] mod n:

[So, in the following I
want to have [Maple Math] .]

> ifactor(n-1); # recall primes dividing n-1:

[Maple Math]

> p1 := 23; # high to low, first one giving:

[Maple Math]

> 2&^((n-1)/p1) mod n; # NOT 1:

[Maple Math]

> delta1 := igcd(2&^((n-1)/p1) mod n - 1, n); # IS 1:

[Maple Math]

and I am letting the cat out of the bag in revealing what it is that Pocklington notes as a consequence : he notes that for such a ' p ' [in the computation it is 'p1'] one then has that [Maple Math] (mod [Maple Math] ) for all prime factors q of ( [Maple Math] ).

In the above numerical example we have:

> ifactor(n);

[Maple Math]

and so the prime factors of n are:

> q1 := 6763;

[Maple Math]

> q2 := 10627;

[Maple Math]

> q3 := 29947;

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(q1-1);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(q2-1);

[Maple Math]

> ifactor(q3-1);

[Maple Math]


all of which have 23 (here [Maple Math] ) as a factor.

Mathematical proof? How, though, can one prove the general claim?

A proof can be furnished by considering
[Maple Math] a , and, for brevity, we
[Maple Math] a . Then,

r divides ( [Maple Math] ) [that's because, with [Maple Math] mod n , then automatically [Maple Math] mod q , for any prime factor q of n (indeed, for any factor q of n ).]


r does not divide [Maple Math] [that's because, if r did divide [Maple Math] then we would have:
[Maple Math] (mod q ), from which would follow that
[Maple Math] (mod q ), from which would follow that
[Maple Math] (mod q ), from which would follow that
[Maple Math] is at least q (>1), whereas it is 1.

It follows that r must contain [Maple Math] as a factor (since the prime factorisation of ( [Maple Math] ) contains [Maple Math] as a factor, whereas [Maple Math] doesn't.

Here, then, is a theorem of Pocklington's which
summarises the above analysis:

Theorem . Let n be a natural number, and let [Maple Math] , where p is a prime, and U is not divisible by p . [In other words, [Maple Math] is the largest power of p that divides ( [Maple Math] ). I use ' U ' for ' u nfactored ' - this is a good notation, for it suggests that one need not know how the number U actually factors; if one happens to actually know, then regard that as a bonus.] Suppose that

[Maple Math] (mod n ) for some integer a ... ( i )


[Maple Math] ... ( ii )

then every prime factor q of n has the form ( [Maple Math] ). [ end ]

Proth's 1878 theorem (follows immediately) . Let n be a natural number such that [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] ( s need not be odd). Suppose there

is an integer a such that
[Maple Math] (mod n ) ... ( iii )

then n is prime.

Proof of Proth . Let [Maple Math] , and [Maple Math] , where [Maple Math] is the largest power of 2 dividing ( [Maple Math] ). Then [Maple Math] , so [Maple Math] , and thus [Maple Math] .

Next, squaring both sides of ( iii ) gives [Maple Math] (mod n ) [namely ( i )] Finally, ( ii ) must also hold. To see that, let

[Maple Math] .

But, from ( iii ) we obtain [Maple Math] (mod n ), from which we immediately obtain that [Maple Math] . But [Maple Math] is impossible, since n is

odd, and so [Maple Math] ( i . e . ( ii ) holds).

Thus every prime factor of n is of the form ( [Maple Math] ), and if n was composite then it would be a product of at least two such primes (not

necessarily distinct, though it doesn't matter), whose minimum value would be at least ( [Maple Math] )( [Maple Math] ), which is greater than n . Thus n must be prime. [ end ]

[I am able to give a proof of Proth's theorem which avoids the above analysis of Pocklington.]

An immediate consequence of Pocklington's theorem : Let n be a natural number, and let [Maple Math] , where F is factored ['factored' in the sense

that one knows its prime factorisation, say: [Maple Math] ... ], and U is unfactored ['unfactored' in the sense that one neednt know exactly how

it factors]. Suppose that

[Maple Math] (mod n ) for some integer a ... ( I )


[Maple Math] , for every prime [Maple Math] factor of F ... ( II )

then n is prime.

The Proof is immediate, and is left as an exercise.

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After August 31st 2007 please use the following Gmail address: jbcosgrave at gmail.com

This page was last updated 18 February 2005 15:07:26 -0000